Dream:Reality with OwnTrail

Season 1 - Episode 2 - OwnTrail Founders: Rebekah Bastian and Kt McBratney. Rebekah and Kt are the co-founders of www.OwnTrail.com, as featured in Forbes (https://www.forbes.com/sites/rebekahbastian/2021/05/25/trailblazers-janine-sickmeyer-founding-partner-of-overlooked-ventures/?sh=7e1c866f1c5e) An amazing and inspirational platform, where women share their authentic journeys as inspiration to others. There is no single journey to success. The platform celebrates career pivots, life experiences and family occasions in a positive, real and inspirational way.

'There’s no one right path through life — just yours. Own the trail you’re blazing through life to build confidence, clarity and belonging. Welcome to the peer support system for women.' OwnTrail:




Kt: https://twitter.com/k_to_the_t https://www.instagram.com/k_to_the_t/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/ktmcbratney/ Rebekah: https://twitter.com/rebekah_bastian https://www.instagram.com/rebekah.bastian/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebekahbastian/ Recommendations:

1- Book: Blaze Your Own Trail by Rebekah Bastian

2- Book: Proposals for the Feminine Economy by Jennifer Armbrust

3- Book: Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings by Joy Harjo

4- Podcast: Ologies with Ali Ward

5- Song: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

6- Song: Party Hard by Andrew W.K.

Dream:Reality a podcast by Idunn Consulting. Talking to people who have used the last 18 months as opportunity. Dreamers, innovators, change makers. How can we create in the future that we have always dreamed of. Business related podcast looking at start-ups, technology, CSR, Sustainability and lots lots more.


Dream:Reality with Tadi


Dream:Reality with Sharon Boxer